
Comprehensive Healing

“Our goal is to deliver personalized acupuncture treatments, enabling the body and mind to heal naturally and prevent future issues”


At Aculei, we focus on the ancient art and science of acupuncture to promote healing and balance. Our goal is to provide you with a serene and restorative experience through our acupuncture treatments and herbal therapy. Every session is tailored to your unique needs, utilizing techniques and approach rooted in traditional Chinese medicine.

Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, managing chronic pain, or addressing specific illnesses, we’re committed to guiding you on your journey toward holistic health and equilibrium. Our approach not only alleviates symptoms but also aims to address the root causes of your health concerns, fostering long-term wellness.

Lei Hattori, L.Ac., DACM

Lei Hattori is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) and a Licensed Acupuncturist who has been learning in-depth clinical and palpation skills under Mr. Hiro Iwamoto, a acupressure specialist who spent 14 years teaching acupuncture, acupressure and manual therapy in Japan. 

Lei was born in Tokyo, Japan, where acupuncture and Eastern herbalism are integral parts of the culture. Sensitive to conventional medications, she relied on acupuncture and Eastern herbs as her primary remedy to address a wide range of health concerns, from common colds to digestive issues. In her 20s, Lei worked as a model in bustling Tokyo, a career that exposed her to physically and mentally demanding environments. To maintain her well-being, she incorporated acupuncture and Eastern herbalism into her self-care routine, which became essential for managing stress and promoting balance and inner-harmony. 

She is passionate about bridging Eastern medicine with modern healthcare perspectives. The essence of Eastern medical approach lies in its focus on proactive health maintenance. By addressing potential issues early, you not only improve your current quality of life, but also preserve your vitality for the future. 


Eastern medicine offers similar treatment effects as conventional medicine with significantly fewer side effects.

With acupuncture treatments and/or herbal formula planning tailored to your needs, we can help with:

 Insomnia / Clinical depression / Anxiety / Migraines / Tension headache / Low energy / Sluggishness / Focus / Digestive issues / Gastritis / GERD / IBS / Chronic constipation / Chronic diarrhea / Bloating / Liver detox / Chronic pain management / Post-surgical care / Trigeminal Neuralgia / Sciatic pain / OBGYN issues / Severe PMS / Irregular period / Postpartum care / Menopausal syndrome / UTI / Incontinence / Multiple Sclerosis management / HIV management / Lowered immunity / Post-viral fatigue / Acne / Sinusitis / Withdrawal /, and more…

Is acupuncture safe?

Yes, acupuncture is generally very safe when performed by a licensed and trained practitioner. We use sterile, single-use needles to ensure the highest level of safety and hygiene.


Does acupuncture hurt?

Most people feel little to no pain when the needles are inserted. You may feel a slight pinch, tingling, or warmth. Many patients find the experience relaxing and may even fall asleep during treatment.


How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments varies depending on your condition and individual response to acupuncture. Acute issues may improve after a few sessions, while chronic conditions often require a longer course of treatment. 


What should I expect during my first visit?

Your first visit will include a thorough consultation where we discuss your health history, current symptoms, and treatment goals. After the consultation, you will receive your first acupuncture treatment, which typically lasts about 60 (Basic Treatment ) to 90 minutes (Full treatment).


What should I wear to my acupuncture appointment?

It’s best to wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy access to your arms, legs, and back. 


Are there any side effects of acupuncture?

Side effects are generally minimal but can include slight bruising, soreness, or fatigue after treatment. These effects are usually mild and short-lived. Most people feel relaxed and rejuvenated after their session.


Can I combine acupuncture with other treatments?

Yes, acupuncture can be safely combined with other treatments, such as conventional medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and herbal medicine. It’s important to inform your acupuncturist about any other treatments or medications you are currently receiving.


How do I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment (by clicking our booking system below) (under construction). We typically respond to messages on the same day or within 24 hours.



Full Treatment 90min

Two-sided treatment


Acupuncture (Front and back)

Scalp massage

Infrared heat lamp

Basic Treatment 45min

One-sided treatment


Acupuncture (One side: front or back)

Infrared heat lamp

Herbal Consultation

We prescribe herbal formula for:  from fertility to anxiety; digestive problems to sleep issues; lowered immunity to liver detox, & more. 


Glass Fire Cupping

Facial Acupuncture

